Rescue a Golden of Arizona


Home » Rosie

Rosie (aka Shadow Rose) was one of the Harvest Golden’s (HG) goldens rescued from a puppy mill in Arkansas in 2004 by RAGofAZ. We understand that RAGofAZ heard about the auction and drove two vans to Arkansas to save these special beings. Wearing their worst clothes, they scattered among the bidders, began to bid on each golden and were able to get them for fair prices until the auctioneer realized that they were a rescue group and the prices went up.

We first met Rosie at her foster home in the fall of 2004 and the next day decided to adopt her. The foster family’s comments were that these dogs need to overcome fears and worries and would require a “happy home, with much patience, and concerns for their well being” and we should “understand that they might have fears throughout their life.”

Undaunted we brought Rosie home in which we had put a dog cage just to see if that would be a more of a familiar environment for her. She did like the cage and would not eat unless she was fed inside of it. Yes, there were a few times when she expressed her anxieties by eating the crushed stone in her dog run and an entire plate of broiled chicken. After two (2) surgeries to remove these foreign objects, we replaced the crushed stone with large river rocks and were sure to not leave any food out that she could get.

As the years passed, she became assured that we were her “Forever Family” and we eventually moved from a home to a condo where Rosie became one of our building’s most beloved residents. Everyone loved Rosie and when a neighbor hadn’t seen her for a few days, they wold ask how she was. There wasn’t a person who didn’t warm up to Rosie’s friendly nature. We would often take her with us to our neighborhood Starbucks where we’d be asked, “Can I pet your dog?” We’d respond, “She’d love that” and she did. She brought joy to everyone she met and especially to us.

Rosie was about 3 years old when we found her (or did she find us?) It was with great sadness that we had to tearfully say “Goodbye” to Rosie on June 28, 2016. That would have made here about 15 years old when she crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.

There are those who will say, “That’s long for a dog” and we’ll just say, “Yes, but not long enough…………..”

Rosie we miss you terribly but gain comfort in knowing that you’re now at peace.

Nort & Joanie R