Rescue a Golden of Arizona

Mona Lisa & Sam

Home » Mona Lisa & Sam

I wanted to let you know that two of your RAGofAZ Goldens have recently passed away.

We adopted Mona Lisa from RAGofAZ in April of 2010. Mona was sick with Valley Fever but with Medication she quickly became her fun and sweet self. Mona had a ball in her mouth most the time and spent most her days in the pool! She was definitely my girl.








When then adopted Sam from you in August 2013. Sam had severe allergies but with medication and dietary changes much of it was able to be controlled. Sam was the sweetest and kindest soul I have ever met. Sam stole the heart of everyone who meet him! He instantly flopped down for belly rubs when meeting someone new.







I cannot express how wonderful they both were, how much we loved them and how lucky we were to have them in our lives. They became great friends! Sadly Sam passed away last week at 12 1/2 , and then suddenly just 5 days later Mona past away at 15 1/2 years old. As devastating as it is to lose them both at the same time, they obviously wanted to move on together and for that we are happy.

We will miss them terribly and I know we will looking to fill the void with another Golden from you in the near future. Thank you for letting us have these dogs in our lives.

Mona Lisa & Sam………….Kristin, Terry & Kourtney D.