Rescue a Golden of Arizona


Home » Publius

Publius was adopted in 2009 by Emmett, it was love from the beginning. They were best pals. Publius went everywhere with his dad. On occasion Toby and I were lucky to pet sit when Emmett had to go out of Town. Publius loved our home, especially our dog Ladybug, she loved him as well. And then in 2010 when we adopted puppy Spirit, Publius taught her how to be a Golden by being the perfect example…..Publius like many Goldens loved to swim, he was a very strong swimmer, especially loved swimming in Goldwater Lake in Prescott. He also loved to chase our cats…….and tennis balls. Publius will always have a place in our hearts…..especially his Dad.

Godspeed Publius, we know you’re having fun playing with Ladybug and Spirit, we will look for you at the Rainbow Bridge…..