Rescue a Golden of Arizona


Home » Maximillion

Maximillion came to us as an overweight FWITA return that was just going to be a foster. I still remember putting this huge golden (120 lbs) in the backseat of my PT Cruiser to sit with my grandson while driving up to Strawberry. He managed to sit on his lap all the way up. We have had a LOT of “Old Golds” but Max was the best. He managed to lose 35 pounds with lots of walks and green beans and playing ball (Did I mention that he LOVED to play ball). He managed to work the golden love with my husband and he never left us. Loved even driving in the car up and down from Strawberry, Payson and Phoenix as Co-Pilot all the way. Never had a golden who loved his balls as much as he did until he got sick. On December 24th, 2015, he would not get up and by the 25th we knew that it was time. As always FLF cried with us. Miss him every day.