Rescue a Golden of Arizona


Home » Chloe

Chloe came into our lives in July 2011. She had a tough start in life and we were her fourth home through no fault of her own. It took her exactly one week before she realized that this was her forever home. We remember the first time we heard her bark defending “her” home, surprised that such a deep, powerful sound came from such a little girl. Chloe loved swimming, walks, snacks, belly rubs and most of all naps! You had to be careful with your words because once the nap sequence was launched, well that was that.

Chloe quickly became the center of the universe and plans always included her. We wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. She loved going to the mountains and chasing the squirrels.

We can’t begin to express our gratitude for Scottie McGowan. When Chloe was brought to us, Scottie patiently explained that there would be three weeks in which to make a decision and Rick responded “Cash the check – she’s not going anywhere”. It was love at first sight. Scottie was also with us when the hardest decision was made to help Chloe cross over the Rainbow Bridge and is honoring her memory during our time of grief.

We had 7 wonderful years with our best friend. We now know the meaning of who rescued who.