Rescue a Golden of Arizona


Home » B.J.

We got B.J. as a RAG foster on June 20, 2004 after Kay was rooked into fostering him. He was a silly crazy ADHD 8 month old. Bob instantly fell in love with him (hence the name B.J.—Bob Jr.) and we adopted him on July 8th of that year. In July of 2005 we moved back home to Iowa. Our ADHD boy was tennis ball obsessed and he LOVED to go on car rides. B.J. certainly tested our patience with his silly crazy ADHD antics but we loved him very dearly and wouldn’t have changed a thing. B.J. was up to his silly crazy ADHD antics clear up to the very very end when he went to the Bridge on May 12, 2018 at the age of 14 1/2. We will miss him terribly. Godspeed dear boy. Run free. Run free.
Kay and Bob H