Rescue a Golden of Arizona

Bailey Bear

Home » Bailey Bear

I really didn’t think I wanted another dog, after losing our 15 year old female, but when you brought that 8 week old beauty, I was sold immediately. Bailey Bear was the back page of the calendar for 2010, and he was a beauty. Oh he had his problems. He had been taken away from his mother early and had severe food allergies all his life, but we had no problems with that. He was such a beautiful animal. The only dog I have ever had that people, literally, stopped in the middle of the street to tell me how beautiful he was. Kathy took such good care of his coat and he loved getting his daily love puppies (grooming).

He and I went to the park almost every day, barring rain, or other foul weather. He was despondent when we couldn’t go and would mope about all day. He loved the park and his truckies.

We had him 11 and 1/2 wonderful years. Then one day, we noticed he had a very high temperature and took him directly to our Vet. They got his temperature down and sent him home, but the next morning we noticed it was back and he was rather lethergic. I took him back and they ran some tests and took pictures, which showed a huge tumor on his liver. The nemesis of our wonderful Goldens had struck…Cancer! It was advanced (he hid it so well), so the only option was to put him down. An easy decision, when you see the pain they are in, but nevertheless, it REALLY HURTS.

We miss him and probably always will. It has been that way with all our wonderful fur babies. Look forward to seeing them all on the other side of the bridge. Thank you for letting us have this wonderful, beautiful, extremely gentle soul.