Rescue a Golden of Arizona

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May: Meet Maysie

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05 May Maysie

Maysie was one of the eight puppies born to sweet mama Pearl in May 2022. Pearl had been a breeding dog and then was rehomed. Once she was rescued by RAGofAZ Pearl surprised everyone with the arrival of the new family! Lovingly called the “Golden Nuggets”. The adorable pups thrived in the care of the amazing RAGofAZ volunteers. We were one of the lucky families blessed with one of the beautiful little girls.

Maysie’s name has two special meanings to us. The first is that she was born in May. The second was in honor of her sweet mama that brought her to us. The name Maysie is of Scottish origin meaning “a little pearl”. It had been a long time since I had a puppy and I was a little nervous when I went to meet her. But it was love at first sight. She laid in my lap the whole ride home and I just knew it was meant to be.

Maysie is very loving and sweet. She expects belly rubs from every person she meets! You almost never see her without a ball in her mouth, even when she is sleeping! Next to playing ball she loves hiking the best. She was a natural on the hiking trails from day one! She has two human brothers who adore her and spoil her with attention.

We are all completely over the moon for Maysie! Thank you RAGofAZ and mama Pearl for bringing her into our lives!!

April: Meet Lexi

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04 April Lexi

My husband and I wanted a new addition to our family. We contacted Rescue a Golden of Arizona “RAGofAZ” and completed all the foster steps. We knew we found our dog when we saw a picture of Lexi. She was three months old, but was very sick. She was diagnosed with Discospondylitis, which is an infection that affects the vertebrae and intervertebral discs of the spine. We have another dog, who is six years old, and wanted to play but Lexi was not allowed to run or jump as there was a potential for her to become paralyzed. She was highly sedated and on antibiotics.
For a few months her only activity consisted of coming out of her crate to go to the bathroom with a leash on. This was a very trying time for Lexi and us.

Finally, three months later, the x-rays showed that her spine was growing back and she could start to play. Now Lexi is very playful, sweet and a loyal family member. She loves to go to the dog park and needs to be petted at all times. We adore her!!!

Thank you RAGofAZ for bringing this sweet girl into our lives.

March: Meet Sophie

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03 March Sophie

Four years ago, life was quite challenging. I was born into a breeding family and destined to make many puppies, spending most of the time in a kennel. But something went awry. Thinking I couldn’t make those puppies, my family gave me to RAGofAZ. I got a new family; no puppies and no more kennel. Life was good.

So much happened since then. I sleep in a big warm bed with my mom and dad, respond to commands, take Dad for walks to meet new people, sunbathe on the grass, chase away the birds he tries to feed, and bark a lot when I am excited. I had two big Golden brothers, one of whom played with me like crazy. To help other dogs get rescued, I became an Ambassadog attending meet and greets and fundraising events. Since I’m so pretty and cuddly, I collect lots of money. Incredibly, I get paid with treats to be petted and get belly rubs. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it.

I am also a Home Visit Team attaché; my job is to ensure other dogs get a good, safe home like mine. Sometimes I’m sad. Both of my big brothers are at the Rainbow Bridge. It’s been so lonely not having a furry companion to play with and being the only fur kid for the first time. After a year, I finally found and adopted a Golden sister to train and play with, so all is well again.

February: Meet Thunder

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02 February Thunder

Thunder came charging through our door and into our hearts 7 years ago. I had just gotten a fortune cookie saying “A short stranger will soon enter your life with blessings to share.” How true it was! Thunder was born with a short right front leg. She never let that stop her. When she came to us at age 6, she loved to run and chase balls. Thunder is one of the happiest dogs we ever had. Her original name was “Thumper,” maybe because as a puppy she looked like a little bunny hopping on three legs. We felt “Thunder” was more appropriate because her very loud bark rivals a 747 at takeoff!

Eating is Thunder’s favorite activity. She once ate a bowlful of chocolates, foil wrappers and all! She then visited the emergency vet.

Now that she is 13, arthritis has slowed her down but she still insists on her daily walk, lots of treats, and tummy rubs. In return she gives us Golden smiles and love. Thunder is still sharing her blessings.

Thank you RAGofAZ for bringing this short stranger into our lives!

January: Meet Cooper

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01 January Cooper

On December 23, 2022 my wife and I were informed that a Golden named Helsinki was available for adoption. We met with the members of RAG of AZ at the vets and we saw the most beautiful dog we had ever seen. For us it was love at first sight.

We were informed that this poor boy had been through two operations, one for a growth on the inside of his leg and one to remove a bug that was embedded under his skin. The first thing we did, after petting for 37 hours straight, was to change his name to Cooper. Cooper had to have an additional operation for another growth. During this operation we almost lost him, but thanks to the skillful surgeons at Academy West, his life was saved.

Cooper is now a very healthy and happy member of our family and has been giving us more love and happiness than we could have ever expected. My wife and I thank RAG of AZ for giving us the privilege of raising Cooper and for all the joy he will bring into our lives.

Cover Dog Carly

Cover Dog Carly

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Introducing our 2024 Calendar Cover Dog


00 Cover Carly

Carly, rescued from South Korea, arrived at our home in April of 2018. In 2014 we adopted a pair of Goldens June and Cash. We lost June to cancer and Cash was very lonely until Carly arrived.

Carly is sweet, happy and loving. She is smart, can solve intermediate-level dog puzzles with treats in seconds and she can count! She knows exactly how many treats she gets at bedtime, and will not let me rest until she’s had every one!

She is afraid of the water, except for the tiny creek that sometimes runs behind our cabin in Show Low. She loves to run through it, get all muddy and track it into the cabin. She LOVES going to the cabin, and when she realizes that we are packing she will bark and howl until we finally put her in the car.

At the cabin, she loves chasing tennis balls, watching the squirrels and birds and going for long walks. The cabin is her happy place.

Carly knows when the doorbell rings early in the morning that the Groomer has arrived. She will hunker down in her bed and pretend she’s invisible. Once in the groomer’s van, she loves the blow dryer and falls asleep while they dry and brush her.

She falls asleep when I read a bedtime story to her. Carly and Cash both had the same favorite bedtime story. “Harry the Dirty Dog”. At the end of the book, Harry gets a bath. Maybe she can relate to that.

Zazzle RAGofAZ Logo Items

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Are you a proud parent of a RAGofAZ dog? Maybe you’re an admirer from afar? Either way, we have made it easy for you to show everyone that you support our rescue!

Feel free to browse our new shopping site where you’ll find plenty of logo items for purchase. Every penny of profit goes directly to the rescue, care and placement of Goldens in need.

Check back often as we will continue to update and add more variety of items. Thank you for your continued support!

Please note: you can still find other items for sale including our Golden note cards, bandanas, and calendars by clicking “Shop” in the top menu of any page on our website, or by clicking here

Meet Pearl & the Golden Nuggets!

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Many of you may remember Pearl. We posted about her being lost in North Scottsdale in April 2022,  asking people to help her new owners locate her. At that time, she was not a RAGofAZ dog but once she was found, her new owners realized she was a bit too much to handle. You see, Pearl was not used to being around lots of people or out in public as she was a breeding dog. When the breeder rehomed her, Pearl didn’t know what to make of this great big world and got spooked a lot.

Enter RAGofAZ! Once the new owners surrendered her to us, we took her to the vet for our routine “Gold Standard” checkup. Low and behold, Miss Pearl was pregnant! But not just pregnant…VERY pregnant and would be giving birth at any moment! Sure enough, a few days later, she delivered eight healthy babies- four boys and four girls! Of course Pearl knew exactly what to do because this was not her first rodeo…but it will be her last!

Once the puppies are at a healthy age to go to new homes and Pearl has had a chance to fully recover and get healthy again, she will be spayed and placed into her forever home to live out the rest of her days never having to worry about giving birth again!

Check us out on Instagram and Facebook to see updates as the sweet babies grow!

Many of you may be wondering if the puppies will be available to adopt and the answer is yes! … but the families who are on our existing approved list will be called first. Many of whom have been waiting a very long time!!

Pearl’s puppies are growing quickly! They’re strong and healthy and cute as can be!

All of the puppies have been placed. They will start going to their new homes in late July. Families who have active, fully approved applications in place are considered first but if you’d like to be considered for future rescues, we encourage you to follow the application process on our website here. Thank you!

Enjoy this cute little video of the puppies giving Pearl a short break while they chase their foster dad.

July 19th update: Our little Golden nuggets are growing so fast!! They will start going to their new homes later this week and we will be sure to post some happy “gotcha day” pics! These lucky pups have some fantastic families lined up and we couldn’t be more excited for them (and the families!) 

P.S. Mama Pearl is doing well and she will head to her new home shortly as well!

Belle’s family reports that she’s adjusting well and especially loves her new brother Jack! She’s curious about the pool and always under foot…so basically, she’s being a Golden girl! Enjoy these photos! And remember to follow us on  Instagram and Facebook to see updates of all the puppies!

Pearl and nuggets

¡Hola! Meet our newest arrivals from Mexico

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Each of these dogs has a story that tugs at your heartstrings, some will make you cry. But they all reinforce why we do what we do, saving dogs’ lives and giving them a second chance. Watch for their special stories to unfold as they are immersed in a Golden life with a home, family, and lots of love.

Before they begin their journey to America, all international dogs are placed with pre-approved families.  If you want to be considered to adopt future dogs, international and domestic, please submit an Application to Foster/Adopt found on the website, and someone will contact you.  If you are already approved, please contact .