Rescue a Golden of Arizona

Meet Pearl & the Golden Nuggets!

Home » Meet Pearl & the Golden Nuggets!


Many of you may remember Pearl. We posted about her being lost in North Scottsdale in April 2022,  asking people to help her new owners locate her. At that time, she was not a RAGofAZ dog but once she was found, her new owners realized she was a bit too much to handle. You see, Pearl was not used to being around lots of people or out in public as she was a breeding dog. When the breeder rehomed her, Pearl didn’t know what to make of this great big world and got spooked a lot.

Enter RAGofAZ! Once the new owners surrendered her to us, we took her to the vet for our routine “Gold Standard” checkup. Low and behold, Miss Pearl was pregnant! But not just pregnant…VERY pregnant and would be giving birth at any moment! Sure enough, a few days later, she delivered eight healthy babies- four boys and four girls! Of course Pearl knew exactly what to do because this was not her first rodeo…but it will be her last!

Once the puppies are at a healthy age to go to new homes and Pearl has had a chance to fully recover and get healthy again, she will be spayed and placed into her forever home to live out the rest of her days never having to worry about giving birth again!

Check us out on Instagram and Facebook to see updates as the sweet babies grow!

Many of you may be wondering if the puppies will be available to adopt and the answer is yes! … but the families who are on our existing approved list will be called first. Many of whom have been waiting a very long time!!

Pearl’s puppies are growing quickly! They’re strong and healthy and cute as can be!

All of the puppies have been placed. They will start going to their new homes in late July. Families who have active, fully approved applications in place are considered first but if you’d like to be considered for future rescues, we encourage you to follow the application process on our website here. Thank you!

Enjoy this cute little video of the puppies giving Pearl a short break while they chase their foster dad.

July 19th update: Our little Golden nuggets are growing so fast!! They will start going to their new homes later this week and we will be sure to post some happy “gotcha day” pics! These lucky pups have some fantastic families lined up and we couldn’t be more excited for them (and the families!) 

P.S. Mama Pearl is doing well and she will head to her new home shortly as well!

Belle’s family reports that she’s adjusting well and especially loves her new brother Jack! She’s curious about the pool and always under foot…so basically, she’s being a Golden girl! Enjoy these photos! And remember to follow us on  Instagram and Facebook to see updates of all the puppies!

Pearl and nuggets