Rescue a Golden of Arizona


September: Meet Abby



Howdy y’all!

I’m Abby, Ms. September. Mom calls me her Abbster, the Nagster, cuz I luv to walk and of course, she tags along. Our WoofTrax walking steps go to RAGofAZ.

I’m also her ‘wild child’. Dunno why, I just like to cavort and play! Now I can run wild on the plains of Texas! We moved here with Mom’s family; 2 boys that think I’m swell, 2 kitties (they’re ‘ok’) and our FMP, the T Dogg!

Tigger is our ‘Favorite Male Pupp’. I’m getting him to walk more, but he’s kinda old at 14. I’m just a kid at 10 years.

I am kinda bossy, I guess. That’s the Border Collie in me. Don’t trespass on my property or I’ll bark! Protective. Yeah. That’s it…. But I’m also a Golden, so y’all gotta know and agree, I’m sweet, gentle and loving too. Even strangers come up to me when we’re out and want to stroke me. If I know them, I might even roll over for a belly rub! Ooooh, Yes!

Well, it’s almost bedtime. I’d better scruff up ole Walter (that’s my blankie, named after another Golden, who also slept on him) then plop on Charlene (a most comfy stuffed puppy that’s bigger ‘n me!) I need to get some shuteye. A well rested pupp can sure have fun in life! I feel the Luv.

Y’all take care now. Slurps and tail wags to all my AZ Golden buds. Adios! –Abby

August: Meet Flynn



Hi, my name is Flynn and I was born on February 11, 2020. I came to my forever home 8 weeks later and six months after my family’s other beloved Golden Retriever crossed the Rainbow Bridge. My mom says I saved her broken heart and immediately brought such joy and happiness into the home. One look into my copper-colored eyes and you can’t help but fall in love with me.

My family was set to travel to Ireland for the first time that summer, but things got crazy that year and their trip was canceled. I became the perfect addition and was given a fine Irish name.

I am a huge love bug and like to lay in everyone’s lap and snuggle. Sometimes I forget I am not little anymore! I have an obsession with tennis balls and pushing them under the couch and will play fetch for hours if you let me. My absolute favorite thing to do is swim in the pool and I swim everyday all year long. I look forward to our family’s many trips to our beach house in Port Aransas, Tx and love the salt, sand, and surf. I have been traveling by car with my family to Texas since I was four months old and have become quite the pro at the sixteen hour drive and mom says I’m the best boy. The ocean is always calling my name and nothing better than frolicking on the beach all day.

Friends and family say I bring joy, endless snuggles, and amusement to everyone I meet. They are always telling me I am so special and loved and I feel like the luckiest boy in the world!

July: Meet Levi


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Meet Levi!! Not only is he handsome but the personality on this guy is endless. He loves the camera, dressing up, doing tricks and can balance over 25 treats on his nose if mom stacks them right! Perhaps that’s why he has over 20K followers on his Instagram @life_of_mr_levi.

From the moment we brought him home at 8 weeks old we knew he was special. Completely opposite from all our previous Goldens, Levi wasn’t interested in swimming or obsessively fetching balls. However, he was extremely observant and interested in learning. I knew this guy needed a job!

We started training and socializing right away. He loved his classes, especially when the instructor used him as an example, so he could show off his skills. At 6 months old he had earned his AKC S.T.A.R Puppy, Canine Good Citizen, Community Canine, Urban CGC and Introduction to Therapy Dog.

Still much too young to do therapy work we kept him busy and discovered he had many other interests. Levi engaged in Barn Hunt, Agility, Rally and his personal favorite Lure courses! He loves chasing a trash bag on a string so much we would take him to every dog festival in town that had a lure course. He even earned an AKC Fast CAT Novice ribbon!

Levi passed certification for Therapy Dog work at 2 yrs old and has been mending and stealing hearts ever since. Witnessing the pure joy, endless smiles and comfort he brings to others is truly a blessing.

June: Meet Lola


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Lola was one of seven beautiful puppies born into Rescue in May 2007.

While Lola spent her “puppyhood” in Arizona, we made the move to San Francisco a year later, where she quickly fell in love with chasing balls along the many sandy California beaches, making new friends at all the dog-friendly establishments (knowing which ones always had treats), and playing ball or lounging in the sunshine at Dolores Park (her favorite hangout!).

About 6 years later, we moved to Seattle. Lola loved the new environment – lots of hiking trails, new parks, and many more new friends. Lola is also well traveled – she’s been on several road trips – traversing over 9 west coast states and provinces, including trips to British Columbia, Yellowstone National Park, and several trips back to Arizona and the California coast.

Lola celebrated her 15th birthday on May 21, 2022 with a “quinceañera” – her friends – people and dogs alike – came by to celebrate in our home. Unfortunately, not too long after, Lola crossed the Rainbow Bridge, her aging body no longer able to keep up with her bright spirit. We were truly blessed to have had her in our lives for as long as we did, and wish the same for all Golden families.

May: Meet Tripp & Tucker


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Meet Tripp and Tucker, both from Rescue a Golden.

Tripp came to us in 2020 as a very young pup. His mother and all her pups were born with congenital cataracts and are mostly blind. He wasn’t with us long before we discovered he also had Parvo and had to be hospitalized for 4 days.

It was a bumpy road but thankfully he overcame that. Tripp is a very sweet boy but due to his vision impairment, also very timid. We hoped as he’d grow he’d be able to have eye surgery, but the specialist determined he’s not a candidate.

Unfortunately his senior housemate (Boxer mix, Wyatt) passed away suddenly in June of 2021 and Tripp became more nervous and very depressed. We knew we had to find him a companion. Soon after, the rescue called asking if we were interested in another special needs pup, Rhett (renamed Tucker). He was surrendered from a breeder due to leg edema. Despite lots of testing, no reason was ever found. Ironically enough, Tucker also had his share of eye issues- he developed cataracts suddenly when he was 10 months old so he needed surgery quickly. He has already bounced back and his vision has returned fully. He is happy and healthy. As he’s been active and growing, the edema has improved too.

We are so grateful for Rescue A Golden of AZ for placing these boys with us. They are best buds!

April: Meet Bella


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Hi, my name is Bella! I came to my new home Friday, September 13, 2020 and it was a very lucky day for me. I flew in from Mexico and my Mom was there to scoop me up from customs. I was 6 months old and pretty much a street gal. I was afraid to come in the house, when we arrived in Tucson. My Dad had to carry me in!

My 10 year old brother Brady, also a rescue from RAGofAZ helped me get settled. I’m still pretty shy of most folks except my Mom. She can hug me and I love giving her kisses!

I love my daily walks in the desert and seeing all my best pup friends including Tito, Juno and Chase! I’m not a great swimmer but do like to cool off when I get picked up and put in the pool. I also love vacations in the mountains where it’s cool and I can run like the wind. Life is good and I thank RAGofAZ for finding my Mom, Dad and Brady to love me!

March: Meet Ra


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Ra captured my heart on July 2, 2021 as a beautiful, loving 5 year old boy who was diagnosed with periodic, cluster epileptic seizures. Despite his diagnosis, we don’t allow those moments to curtail Ra’s life. He is an extremely loving, funny boy who enjoys his morning walks and he especially loves his time chasing smells and his tennis balls at the park.

The golden retriever smile definitely shows up! Ra makes me laugh every day, whether it’s jumping on the couch with his butt in the air or sitting with his legs crossed like a gentleman, my boy is a hoot. Then we have our quiet time when Ra loves to hug and lay on my lap for scratches and kisses. Ra and I are fortunate to have an amazing support system with a neurological veterinarian who has helped me manage Ra’s periodic seizures and adjust his medications.

RAG of AZ, I’m so grateful that you brought this sweet boy into my life.

February: Meet Lexie


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Almost a year after losing our beloved 12 year old Golden Riley, we knew we wanted to adopt a Golden and contacted RAGofAZ. We were told that it could be several months before we received a call, but just a few days after our final interview, we were told about a Golden needing a forever home. Lexi, along with several other Goldens, was rescued from a farm in China and was looking for her forever home. Ready to open our hearts and our home, we instantly fell in love with Lexi.

Lexi arrived underweight and we were told that she did not know how to swim, had never had a toy before and most likely did not understand any English. Within an hour of settling in, our sweet Lexi was in the pool and learning to chase after a tennis ball.

Lexi is three years old now, and while she still suffers from food insecurity and separation anxiety, she has adjusted remarkably well. Lexi loves her long morning walks and enthusiastically spends her free time frantically chasing birds, bunnies and lizards and cooling off in the pool.

While we will never know the horrors Lexi endured in her past life, we are beyond blessed to have her and believe that Riley sent us our sweet Lexi so that we could shower her with the love, attention and patience she deserves. She is our sweet angel, and we are so grateful to RAGofAZ for bringing so much joy to our lives.

January: Meet Penny


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Sweet little Penny changed our lives for the better in March of 2022. She arrived on a bus from Mexico, ready to begin her new life with us in Arizona. She was so friendly and loving from day one. Even on the drive to Tucson from Phoenix she couldn’t wait to climb in the front seat with us.

Despite not knowing much about her history, Penny’s future is looking bright as ever. After several necessary tooth extractions, she’s as happy as can be. She gets along well with her two kitty sisters, Callie and Willow. Her tail always seems to be wagging and her tongue hangs out to the side since there’s hardly any teeth there to keep it contained. She loves to play in the yard, go on walks and cuddle with her humans.

We are so grateful to Rescue a Golden of Arizona!! Thank you for all you do.

Cover Dog Lucy

Cover Dog Lucy

Introducing our 2023 Calendar Cover Dog


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November 2021 was a very sad month as my beloved Sedona went to the Bridge on November 8 and then on November 28th I had to send her adopted sister Bella to be with Sedona. My home and my heart were very empty.

A week before Christmas a volunteer from RAGofAZ called and said they had a Golden girl coming in from Mexico and could I foster her? Of course I said yes! I named her Lucy and on Christmas Eve she arrived from Mexico. Becky Wetzel and I drove to Anthem to pick her up. It was love at first sight, she was so sweet and calm. I quickly found out that Lucy is house broken, she loves being petted and she loves her toys. I spoke to Ann Marie Hoff, an animal communicator and she said Sedona had arranged for Lucy to come to me, because Sedona wanted to come back to me!

Lucy was my Christmas miracle and she is the love of my life. Lucy is currently in Therapy Dog Training to become a Therapy Dog, just like Sedona. Thanks to RAGofAZ for allowing Lucy to come into my life and make my world whole again.

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