Rescue a Golden of Arizona

August: Meet Quincy & Harley

Home » August: Meet Quincy & Harley
08 August Quincy Harley

Quincy and Harley

Quincy came into rescue in November 2017 at the age of 9. We had just lost 2 of our golden boys, Sherman and Barkley. Our remaining Golden, Reagan, was lonely and needed a new friend. Quincy was described as a playful boy, who loved people, dogs and loved swimming.

At nearly 15 years of age, he is still very excited when people come to the house. He has enjoyed the pool over the years, although now he would rather just take a nap. Quincy still loves walks and car rides, particularly if they are to DQ for a pup cup. He still loves his stuffed toys, especially his duck and his new pineapple but no longer chases after balls.

Knowing that our time with Quincy is short, we cherish each day with him. He has been a wonderful addition to our family.

Harley, who was abandoned, brought his light and love into our lives in February 2010 at just 1 ½ years old. We wondered how anyone could have left this beautiful boy who only wanted to be loved. He quickly settled into life on our ranch in Vail, AZ with his new canine sisters as well as horses, steers and abundant desert wildlife.

After my husband Dennis died several years ago, Harley, his brothers, and I moved into a house near the outskirts of town and Harley discovered he also likes sidewalks and the people walking on them! At nearly 15 years old, he walks over 2 miles 4-5 days a week and still chases his favorite toy like the pup he was when he first arrived.

Our family is so blessed to have been given the gift that is Harley. As I tell him every day, he is the “best doggie in the whole wide world.”