Rescue a Golden of Arizona

July: Meet Butter

Home » July: Meet Butter
07 July Butter

Hellooooo Butter here! I am one of the lucky Goldens who made the 25-hour trip from China to the U.S. in 2020. For weeks after arriving, I was nervous but you can’t blame me, I’m now suddenly living on the other side of the world!

Slowly I realized “mom” was always the same person, my beds were for me only, I had my own food bowl and toys for me to play with anytime. I began to feel safe and decided to focus on now and the future and forget about the past.

Today, I proudly serve as the family’s official cuddler, clown, and personal guard for mom when she works from home. She thinks I’m a pretty bad one because apparently I fall asleep on the job. I’m also Ginger’s (Miss December’s) annoying little brother even though I know she secretly loves me. I love life in Arizona and cannot imagine life without my family.

Hi, Butter’s mom here! Our family also cannot imagine life without Butter. He is my family’s third Golden from RAGofAZ and while I truly love all of them to pieces, Butter, despite his first year in China, has turned out to be the sweetest of all to our surprise. Sometimes, I think Butter loves me so much that he wants to be me! He bumps me from my office chair and races me to my spot on the couch, but he wins every time. I love my Butter!