Rescue a Golden of Arizona

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December: Meet Ginger

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12 December Ginger

Ginger …. the queen of our household.

Ginger was adopted in July 2013 when she was 7 months old. We already had the name Ginger in mind even before we met her. And guess what, it was perfect! She is as spicy as a chunk of ginger! So here she is……Ginger!

Ginger is not a typical Golden who loves attention, kisses, or hugs from humans all day long. She is super independent and has a very “cool” personality. Like her name Ginger, she was such a wild child from day one. She would destroy everything she could get at in the house, when we were not home. She would make a mess in our backyard by taking things out and chewing them into pieces. Did I mention that she chewed on rocks and dug all day long? Luckily, as time went by, all her bad behaviors just simply went away like magic! Since then, she has grown into a super loving girl showing the true side of Ginger.

We celebrated our 11th Gotcha Anniversary this past July. Ginger is still spicy, but in a goofy way, bringing so much joy, laughter and fun to our family every single day. Since we spoil her so much our family adopts the Golden rule “what Ginger wants, Ginger gets .” This month we celebrate her 12th birthday, and we hope all of you can join us in wishing her much happiness, good health and many more birthdays to come.

November: Meet Fenway

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11 November Fenway

Meet Fenway, named after the iconic Fenway Park.

We had been wanting a puppy for our three year old Golden and Fenway has been amazing for Cooper. My husband has never had a puppy in his life and I knew this would be a life changing experience for him. He tells everyone that this is “his boy.” We just can’t believe how fortunate we are with our fur family.

Fenway was one of Sasha’s babies and on Christmas Eve we got the best present ever with a text asking if we would be interested in one of them. Fenway has brought so much to our family. Besides being extremely handsome, he’s incredibly smart and so loving. We can’t imagine not having him in our lives. His bond with Cooper becomes tighter every day and their love for each other shines. Fenway is the epitome of having the “heart of a Golden.”

We really need to give a lot of credit to Toby & Robin Fox for their love and care during the eight weeks they had him. They are truly amazing.

We can’t thank Rescue A Golden of Arizona enough. We’ve gotten Cooper and Fenway from them and we can hardly express our gratitude in words.

October: Meet Buoy

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10 October Buoy

Buoy is one of the fifteen 2023 golden retrievers lovingly rescued from China. After much anticipation and international customs complications, he arrived at Phoenix Sky Harbor on February 14th, Valentine’s Day … how appropriate! Friends come in many shapes and sizes.

When we opened the door to the XL crate, we were in total awe as an even larger XXL “friend” popped out and smothered us in kisses. Buoy loves life! And there is nothing he wants to do more than go for car rides. He is our observer and soaks everything in.

It has been a joy to watch him slowly relax and realize that he is home. Buoy loves to explore outside, preferably while holding a pinecone. His “zoomies” are a daily tradition as he runs and runs around the yard barking with glee. In true form, he also enjoys quietly sitting on the top step of the swimming pool while taking everything in. And then it’s back to playtime with his favorite toys! On February 14th, Buoy’s huge paws walked right into our hearts, and it is true love for us all.

September: Meet Spicy

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09 September Spicy

Hi! I’m Spicy! I’m one of the long-awaited Chinese Goldens. It took me a really long time to get here but I’m so glad I finally made it. I think my parents and brother are pretty happy I made it too. I arrived on Valentine’s Day and my momma said I stole their hearts, so I guess that’s a good thing! My parents had another dog before me that was sick for a while so when I got here it really changed their lives! Now we can go for really long walks, play in the yard and my parents tell me that this summer I’m going to the beach! I went once already and I loved the sand and the surf so a whole summer there is going to be Amazeballs!! BTW … did I tell you I love to play ball?!

I also have a brother, Nixon! He showed me the ropes when I got here but I quickly learned he had a hard start to life and that he’s a pretty nervous fella. Even though he’s a big guy he’s kinda scared of things so I’ve become his protector. I’m never too far from his side because I want to make sure he’s safe and comfortable. And talk about comfortable…did I tell you how comfortable his bed is? And my parents’ bed is? I really love it here and my parents tell me how much they love me too.

Thanks RAGofAZ!

August: Meet Quincy & Harley

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08 August Quincy Harley

Quincy and Harley

Quincy came into rescue in November 2017 at the age of 9. We had just lost 2 of our golden boys, Sherman and Barkley. Our remaining Golden, Reagan, was lonely and needed a new friend. Quincy was described as a playful boy, who loved people, dogs and loved swimming.

At nearly 15 years of age, he is still very excited when people come to the house. He has enjoyed the pool over the years, although now he would rather just take a nap. Quincy still loves walks and car rides, particularly if they are to DQ for a pup cup. He still loves his stuffed toys, especially his duck and his new pineapple but no longer chases after balls.

Knowing that our time with Quincy is short, we cherish each day with him. He has been a wonderful addition to our family.

Harley, who was abandoned, brought his light and love into our lives in February 2010 at just 1 ½ years old. We wondered how anyone could have left this beautiful boy who only wanted to be loved. He quickly settled into life on our ranch in Vail, AZ with his new canine sisters as well as horses, steers and abundant desert wildlife.

After my husband Dennis died several years ago, Harley, his brothers, and I moved into a house near the outskirts of town and Harley discovered he also likes sidewalks and the people walking on them! At nearly 15 years old, he walks over 2 miles 4-5 days a week and still chases his favorite toy like the pup he was when he first arrived.

Our family is so blessed to have been given the gift that is Harley. As I tell him every day, he is the “best doggie in the whole wide world.”

July: Meet Butter

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07 July Butter

Hellooooo Butter here! I am one of the lucky Goldens who made the 25-hour trip from China to the U.S. in 2020. For weeks after arriving, I was nervous but you can’t blame me, I’m now suddenly living on the other side of the world!

Slowly I realized “mom” was always the same person, my beds were for me only, I had my own food bowl and toys for me to play with anytime. I began to feel safe and decided to focus on now and the future and forget about the past.

Today, I proudly serve as the family’s official cuddler, clown, and personal guard for mom when she works from home. She thinks I’m a pretty bad one because apparently I fall asleep on the job. I’m also Ginger’s (Miss December’s) annoying little brother even though I know she secretly loves me. I love life in Arizona and cannot imagine life without my family.

Hi, Butter’s mom here! Our family also cannot imagine life without Butter. He is my family’s third Golden from RAGofAZ and while I truly love all of them to pieces, Butter, despite his first year in China, has turned out to be the sweetest of all to our surprise. Sometimes, I think Butter loves me so much that he wants to be me! He bumps me from my office chair and races me to my spot on the couch, but he wins every time. I love my Butter!

June: Meet Shiloh

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06 June Shiloh

In October of 2019, I got a phone call from Becky, the RAGofAZ representative in the Prescott Valley area. RAGofAZ had found a Golden that was ready for his furever home! This sweet boy was rescued from Mexico; abandoned, starved and very injured. He had to have a portion of his front leg amputated due to an injury and severe infection. A few years later, during a routine chest x-ray, it was discovered that he still had a bullet in him!

In April of 2022, I decided to return to my home state of Pennsylvania to live. Shiloh was a great traveling companion, along with his 2 canine and 2 feline siblings. He has settled in comfortably in The Quaker State, and has made tons of new friends.

I had a prosthetic leg fit for him, and we still enjoy our shorter walks, as he’s getting up there in years. He’s even enjoyed dipping his paws into Lake Erie! I have known the joy of Goldens since 1981, 11 over the years. Sadly, sweet Shiloh is probably my last, as it’s harder for me to care for them in my senior years. It’s difficult to imagine my life without a Golden by my side.

Shiloh is a gem, in my heart and life. He has brought so much joy into so many lives. He knows he was blessed to be rescued by RAGofAZ and I was equally blessed to be chosen as his furever mom.