Rescue a Golden of Arizona

Volunteer Spotlight: Margie Karow, Webmaster

Home » Volunteer Spotlight: Margie Karow, Webmaster

Every great team has someone they couldn’t do without, and Rescue A Golden is no different. This quarter, we are thrilled to shine the RAG spotlight on Margie Karow. Margie works tirelessly for the rescue, often behind the scenes, and often seven days a week.

Margie has been keeping our website going for years – she’s a whiz. If not for her, we would have lost the entire site last year. She took it upon herself to research new host vendors and was able to work with them to transition everything seamlessly. Margie also manages our member communications, including formatting and sending emails to thousands of people. She’s instrumental to our quarterly newsletter process, and manages all of our distribution lists. Margie is a big part of so many things we do, including the annual calendar, fundraising campaigns and the Cutest Golden Contest.

But, it’s not just about what Margie does, it’s how she does it. She is the most caring person. Margie is always available and responds so quickly to every little thing we ask of her. She’s “all in” on Rescue A Golden and we’d be lost without her.

With all the work she does, you’re probably thinking she needs an assistant! Well, she got one earlier this year when she and her husband John adopted DaSan (now MiMi) from China.

Please tell us why you volunteer for Rescue A Golden of Arizona (RAG). 

Margie: I’ve been a member of RAG almost since the beginning in 1998. That’s when my husband, John, and I got our first Golden puppy, Sadie, who was a gift from friends. My two kids, Brian and Allison, absolutely adored this dog, we all did. I had only recently become aware of rescue groups in general and knew there was an urgent need for volunteers, so I just jumped on board.

What kinds of volunteer jobs have you had during your years as a RAG volunteer?

Margie: Well, I’ve worn many hats during my volunteer career, and like it says on our logo, I do it all for the love of a Golden … from approving applications (I received the faxed ones!) to serving on the Vet Care Team when it had only two members, to taking on the role of Vet Care Coordinator, and eventually becoming the Webmaster. I also served on the Links of Gold Golf Committee and volunteered at Gift Wrap and other events year after year. And I’m a longtime member of the Annual Campaign Committee where I collaborate with a small team to develop the messaging and graphics of the appeal, prepare the website, and deliver our marketing plan through weekly e-blasts and other media. Frankly, I can’t imagine not volunteering with RAG! I love playing even a small role in helping these beautiful sweet dogs find their forever homes.

You’ve been our webmaster for a number of years. Tell us about that.

Margie: As Webmaster, I maintain and update the website, and also edit and send out our e-blasts and newsletters. I knew absolutely nothing about what went on behind the scenes of website management when I started assisting our “webmaster emeritus” Dean Mills, but he was an excellent teacher. Eventually, I inherited the position when Dean was ready to step back. The most challenging part of the job came when we moved to a new web host last fall. There were many sleepless nights for a couple of weeks until it was finally up and running … but it was all worth it, of course. I have to say, the program I enjoy the most as Webmaster is running the Cutest Golden Contest and working with the Calendar Committee to produce our annual Hearts of Gold calendars. The photos really are adorable, and the final vote night is very exciting!

Have you adopted a Golden Retriever from RAG since you began your volunteering career?

Margie: Oh yes!  We adopted our beautiful Scooter from RAG in 2007 following Sadie’s passing.  We loved Scooter so much, and after he went to the Bridge last year we felt we just were not ready for another dog.  But … when we learned that a group of dogs from China were “coming to America” this past January, we decided to open our hearts to another Golden.  And we were fortunate to be able to adopt sweet little MiMi.

You’ve dedicated so much of your time to RAG’s rescue efforts – what do you like to do in your free time?

Margie: I love aerobic dance classes, reading, and playing the piano. As soon as I sit down to play, MiMi comes over and lies down at my feet and squeaks her ball in time to the music. Seriously, she is my very own little metronome!