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December: Meet Mia & Penny


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Dec Penny & Mia

Mia (the redhead), RAG of AZ’s first rescue from China, arrived at Sky Harbor on May 22, 2017 at 9:30PM, the temperature was a balmy 99 degrees. She had traveled almost 9,000 miles from China to a new life in Arizona. Mia was rescued from the Bo Ai Animal Protection Centre of Guangyuan in central China, where she had been surrendered as a puppy. She survived a bout of distemper, but was left with permanent nerve damage in her left front shoulder and leg.

Penny (the blond), also a special needs girl was surrendered to RAG of AZ

in May 2022, because her back legs were paralyzed and her owner was

unable to care for her. Prompt medical care determined that Penny had an untreated case of Valley Fever and there was a lesion on her spine that was the cause of her paralysis. Penny is also hypo-thyroid.

Today, both girls are happy, healthy and full of life. They are best friends and play every day like a couple of puppies! Mia’s favorite toy is one of her

many hedgehogs and Penny loves her cow and tennis balls. They both love attending RAG of AZ events and greeting all the people that stop by our booth. Traveling to places as far away as Michigan and the Carolinas is another favorite on their list of things to do.

Thank you RAG of AZ for allowing me to adopt these sweet girls, who make me laugh everyday!

November: Meet Kelsi


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Nov Kelsie

Kelsi’s journey is one of determination and resilience.  From her days as a breeder dog, confined to the four walls of a barn, to her arrival in Arizona, where a world of new experiences awaited her, unfamiliar sights and sounds of the outside world overwhelmed her with fear. Converting her unique lifestyle created a challenge requiring the assistance of a professional trainer. We became the trainees.

Kelsi immediately sought the companionship of her new Golden sister, Sophie, and followed her everywhere.  Sophie became her leader and inseparable buddy. The only way to get Kelsi to leave the confines of the house was for Sophie to lead her out the door, into the car, vet or groomer. She taught Kelsi how to use the doggy door, which she frequently uses enjoying her newfound freedom, how to play, and how to answer the front door.  They sleep cuddled together.

Kelsi spent many hours at the front screen door, observing neighborhood activities from a safe distance until familiarity made her brave enough to go for walks.  She became the official greeter for package deliveries.

A year later, with consistent efforts and patience, Kelsi overcame most of her fears. She still gets startled by sudden loud noises or movements, but quickly recovers. With soulful eyes but a happy disposition, this gentle, big-footed, five-foot-long lap dog, welcomes attention from everyone and is a true blessing in our pack.  We are grateful RAGofAZ gave this special girl a second chance at a Golden life.

October: Meet Finley & Maisey


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Oct Finley and Maisy

Our world changed when we saw an email with two adorable goldens. We were aware of jaw issues, and realized help was quickly required. Maisy couldn’t open her jaw at all, food only made it in her mouth through sheer force and a large overbite. Finley ate normally, though a true yawn is elusive. Both had fangs stabbing the roof of their mouths. After tests, scans, root canals, biopsies, medications, and 3-D skull printing, we found out their bones didn’t form right and only major surgery would fix it.

Maisy was first as it was literally life-saving for her. She now opens her mouth 5x’s wider. Her muscles haven’t been used so they’re stretching more daily. After seeing her experience, Finley decided to wait before making surgical decisions. If she ever holds a ball, he’s in. We are grateful we’ve been able to change their lives and love them more every day!

Finley & Maisy Speak – 

Our world changed when our pawrents read an email saying we were extra special and needed a special home. We knew this was our opportunity to shine so we turned on the charm until they loaded us in the car and drove us to our fur-ever home. We’ve met pawsome doctors and had some ruff surgeries, but we’re resilient!

Our lives started very dif-fur-ently than they are now. We spend our days surrounded by toys, snackles, blankets, a pool, and paws-itively crazy amounts of pets, snuggles, and kisses. We know we have it the goodest of any doggos!

September: Meet Red & Sammi


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Sept Red & Sammi

It was love at first sight when Red (formerly Angus) and I met in August 2021. A beautiful red Golden Retriever, 14 1/2 years old. Angus had been an outdoor dog, but after escaping his yard, his owner lovingly surrendered him. They did not have time for him and did not want to deal with future medical expenses. His only health issues were an enlarged prostate, which neutering resolved, and an ongoing ear infection, that has robbed him of his hearing.

Red, now an inside dog, enjoys a new orthopedic bed, quality food and routine veterinary care. He loves being brushed and getting unlimited hugs and kisses, which at first seemed foreign to him. Everyone is amazed at how great he looks for his age.  My 6 year old Golden has a whiter muzzle than Red! Red drinks 4/5 bowls of water per day!  Is that the secret to his longevity?

Red is not excitable and he is past his prime of chasing balls and long walks. His personality has evolved and he keeps showing me new aspects of himself. Red, the pack leader, let’s me know it’s treat time or mealtime. He is my alarm clock, barking when he wants me to get up! 

On my application to rescue I told of my desire to help senior goldens, to give them the best forever home and unconditional love in their final years and Red is the perfect addition. Thank you RAG of AZ for bringing Red to me!

Sammi came to us in 2010 when she still had puppy breath.  Her previous owner decided they would be unable to care for a puppy due to unforeseen circumstances and surrendered her to RAG.

Sammi came to us with toys, a blanket and an emotional letter asking to make sure she gets a good home.  While Sammi is gracefully aging, Sammi lives a great life and is still able to go on short hikes as long as she has her leg braces on.  Don’t let this ol’ gal fool you. To this day, she can still catch a lizard.

She has a resident buddy (Henley, also a rescue from RAG) who helps keep her young.  Sammi plays a game to trick her resident buddy Henley, to get out of her favorite doggy bed when she decides she is the one who needs to lay in it instead of him.  While she can be sassy and bossy she possesses the sweetness of a Golden.

Thank you RAG for all you do. You did a great job matching us up with Sammi and ensuring she got a great home.

August: Meet Honey


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Aug Honey

Honey is full of life and excited about the idea of anyone petting her.  Her new and forever home in Arizona has showered her with love, lots of playtime and a family. 

When she’s not snoozing on the couch, she’s chasing a ball, snuggling her brothers, or waiting for food to hit the floor while the family is cooking and eating.  Her favorite “toy” is her leash.  She carries it everywhere she goes.  Always ready for a walk!

There’s nothing this girl isn’t happy about – and she makes others happy just by looking at her.

July: Meet Molly


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July Molly

Molly came to us as one of the China 15 in February, 2022.  She was a farm animal and we quickly discovered that she was mostly blind.  It was probably not very apparent when she was running around in the compound in China with her pack but she did not seem to see well in the house.  So RAG sent us to Eyeshine Veterinary in Phoenix, where Dr. Zoe Reed quickly determined that she had dense cataracts in both eyes. 

Surgery was possible but before that could even be considered she had to determine if Molly’s retinas were still good.  This required a specialized ultrasound test and waiting for results, but it was well worth it.  The results showed that her retinas were still good and double cataract surgery was completed to remove her cataracts and now she can see again.

Within a week I was sending in videos of her running through the house with her brother “Max.”   No longer following, Molly was now leading!  The transformation from when I got her to now is amazing.  I can’t thank RAG of AZ, Dr. Reed and Dr. Ferguson at Four Legged Friends enough for this amazing transformation.  It’s really neat to see how much she appreciates the love.

June: Meet Lucy


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June Lucy

10 year old Lucy was a RAG of AZ rescue from Mexico.  My other Golden girls, Sedona and Bella, had died the month before and I was heartbroken.  Ann Marie, the animal communicator said that Sedona wanted to come back to me and arranged for Lucy to be my new girl.

RAG of AZ flew her in from Mexico on Christmas Eve day. When I brought her home she jumped up on my bed and looked at me and I said “No, you sleep on your bed down here”.  She has never gotten on any furniture since.  She was totally house trained, never had an accident in the house and uses the dog door.

She has her favorite toys scattered all over the house. Lucy’s fur started falling out when I was feeding her the fresh food and lab tests revealed that she is allergic to chicken. Now she eats Salmon & Sweet Potato Kibble. 

Lucy is a registered therapy dog with National Alliance of Registered Therapy Dogs.  She visits two Long Term Care Facilities several times a month and occasionally other facilities, when invited. 

She loves to go to stores and restaurants and receive the attention she desires and deserves. Everyone knows and loves Lucy.

I chose June for her photo and story because it’s my birthday month.  She is the love of my life. Thank you RAG of AZ for bringing this girl to me!

May: Meet Stevie Nicks


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May Stevie Nicks

My life began just before my third birthday when I was being transported to Phoenix from a farm in Iowa where I lived as a breeder dog.  The transporters knew I was a rock star and named me Stevie Nicks.  In that moment I decided to live a rock star life, in the present, leaving my past behind.  This is my story.

I arrived in Phoenix in November 2023 and was welcomed into my foster parents’ home.  I was scared and confused. I had no idea where I was, what to do, or how to act. My foster parents were kind and understanding. They fed me, walked me, loved me and even gave me 8 o’clock cookies.  After 30 days, I found my forever parents.

They loved me as if I were their only child, because I was.  They helped me become a dog and were patient as I learned to potty outside. They laughed at my antics and with each day, I slowly came out of my shell.  Soon, I completely took over the house.  When I started greeting visitors at the door, my parents thought I might be ready for more and I found myself at the center of attention at restaurants and stores. I learned that people could not resist me, and I loved the attention.  I now have my own Facebook page. Being a rock star has benefits.

My future is bright and thanks to RAG of AZ, I am living my best life.

April: Meet Annie


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April Annie

Annie was rescued from a puppy mill last year and initially was a foster for us. She came to us with a gentle spirit despite her rough beginnings. From the moment she joined our family, it was clear she was special. Her calm demeanor and loving nature instantly made her a beloved member of our household.

We quickly became a proud foster-fail. Annie has 3 siblings who welcomed her with open paws, and she quickly became their favorite playmate. As a puppy mill survivor, having her fur siblings gave her the confidence to explore new things and to feel safe in our home. As she continues to look to her fur and human family for guidance, we have learned the value of patience and to develop at her pace.

Whether it’s cuddling, playing in the yard or just lounging around, Annie’s presence brings a sense of peace and joy to our home. Everyone who meets Annie falls in love with her. Her gentle eyes and warm personality make her an instant friend to all. Despite the hardships she faced early in life, Annie embodies resilience and unconditional love. She has transformed from a scared uncertain pup into a confident and cherished member of our family.

Annie’s journey continues and is a testament to the power of love and patience and the incredible impact a rescue dog can have on a family.

March: Meet Luke


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March Luke

I adopted Luke 13 years ago from Rescue A Golden of AZ, at a time in my life when I needed a companion. I wanted a female Golden but the wait was so long. They brought me Luke and told me I had several days to see how we interacted and if it was a good fit for both of us. I called them back in less than two hours to say I am keeping him. It’s the best decision I have ever made.

Luke feels and cares for his daddy. I had medical issues and wasn’t in a good head space. We always had Goldens growing up, but Luke is my first dog. He saved me as much as I saved him. He truly is my best friend and the best dog in every possible way. We have moved states, driven cross country, had heartbreak, lived through a hurricane and even flew private once!

Luke is a celebrity to my friends and co-workers. He is a gift from god. My house is owned by Luke and I just live here and that’s the way it should be if you own a Golden.

Thanks to RAG of AZ for bringing this wonderful boy into my life!