Little Stevie Nicks is doing very, very well! We’ve had her about six weeks and she’s really turning into a Golden! She’s starting to interact with and approach most of our guests at our house. On a walk, she is very accepting of other humans. We don’t let her near other dogs (though she loves them) because of that weird pneumonia that’s going around.
She’s very smart, learning “wait,” “walk with me” and “get out of the kitchen, Butthead” very quickly! House-breaking is taking some extra work and patience. She went two weeks without an accident then had three in a row. But everyone has told us, “Two steps forward, one step back.” Thankfully, there is no carpet in our house!
Stevie is very loving and affectionate and is really starting to show the traditional Golden traits…like stealing! She likes socks and jammies, mostly. She’s not destructive - she just takes them to her bed and lays on them. She’s just adorable!
She loves her toys and loves playing (and getting zoomies) in the backyard. OH - and she also loves car rides!