Rescue a Golden of Arizona

Adopted April 24, 2022


Please help RAGofAZ rescue more dogs like us!

Over the past few years, our kids would pretty much every other week share information/research to convince us that Golden retrievers are the best family dog. They had collected toys, accessories, and a shelf/box to hold it all, in anticipation. Oh, they were so ready!! 

We had promised to get them a Puppy in early 2022 and Pippa joined us towards the end of March. Though initially a bit timid, over time she has cozied up to all of us. She loves to play fetch and go on walks. She is still tentative around the pool (won’t go beyond the first step), and the kids are hoping to (someday soon) see her make a confident splash. It is incredibly sweet to watch Pippa play tag with them in the backyard. Having Pippa around is helping the kids develop empathy, and it is heartening to see them take responsibility for chores surrounding Pippa and the house.

Pippa is family now. Thanks, RAGofAZ.