Rescue a Golden of Arizona

Adopted May 3, 2022


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After being a hospice foster for several years, my boys wanted a dog to call their own. So, we put in an application with RAGofAZ and waited. And boy, was Rex worth the wait. He is perfect. He wants nothing more than to just be next to us, and I want nothing more than to retire and spend all day loving on him! He loves his walks and spends half the time staring up at me and smiling, stopping for love breaks along the way. He loves all his toys and tries to carry them all in his mouth at once. He has an affinity for biting at the water from the hose or sprinklers, which always makes us laugh. His tail is lethal and I’ve nicknamed him Thumper, as he wags his tail hard and fast whenever someone walks into a room. He has brought immense joy to our lives in such a short time, and we are truly grateful Rex found his way to us.