Rescue a Golden of Arizona

Adopted February 25, 2021


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Ever since our little family has grown, we’ve had a blast watching our home get crazier, snugglier, and much hairier–and we wouldn’t trade it for the world! Our handsome golden rescue Monterey “Monty” has been an amazing little addition to our family–emphasis on the little! At just under 30 pounds, this little package holds a whole lot of cute and a big personality. He loves to snuggle, play with his younger but bigger sister, Pepper, and challenge the idea that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. While his small stature makes him seem like a perpetual puppy, his fractured pelvis, deformed back legs, and excised teeth tell the story of a little old man who has lived quite a life. We are very thankful to RAG for giving us the opportunity to watch our sweet boy get healthier and happier, get his pain better managed, and get settled in for the rest of his life in his forever home with us!