Lexi & Cooper

Lexi & Cooper


Our Riley
Some years ago, a gentle, loving, oh-so-sweet Golden Retriever named Riley came into the lives of our Mom and Dad and brought them so much happiness and joy. When Riley journeyed on to Rainbow Bridge, Mom and Dad were so shattered, they thought they might never love another dog in the same way. But after about a year, Riley decided to send me to them – I’m Lexi – followed by my bro, Cooper. Turns out Coop was stuck in China waiting to make his way through red tape hell but eventually he showed up.
We are quite the pair, Cooper and I. I’m a sweetie pie, a carbon copy of adorable Riley. Cooper is a bundle of energy, just wants to play all the time except when he’s begging for belly rubs. He is a little bit naughty, a little bit devilish, but wicked-smart and hilarious. Things have never been the same since Cooper arrived, and life is perfect now. We are the wild man and the love muffin, the yin and the yang, the best and the bestest.
Mom and Dad heard that it costs Rescue A Golden of Arizona about $1,200.00 to rescue a dog and provide veterinarian care like vaccinations, screenings, medicine, and even life-saving surgery. So in gratitude for Riley, Cooper and me, they’ve asked us to pay it forward with an annual donation of $3,600.00 to help save at least three more Goldens. I had to remind them that Cooper and I do not have opposable thumbs so we will have to “paw it forward,” but you get the idea.
We hope this annual gift will help RAGofAZ take good care of those 15 puppies and 7 big Goldens they just rescued. I’m pretty sure someday those pups will grow up and they’ll want to paw it forward too.
Love, Lexi, Cooper, and Angel Riley


after enjoying the jacuzzi at Auberge de Sedona