Rescue a Golden of Arizona

October: Meet Finley & Maisey

Home » October: Meet Finley & Maisey
Oct Finley and Maisy

Our world changed when we saw an email with two adorable goldens. We were aware of jaw issues, and realized help was quickly required. Maisy couldn’t open her jaw at all, food only made it in her mouth through sheer force and a large overbite. Finley ate normally, though a true yawn is elusive. Both had fangs stabbing the roof of their mouths. After tests, scans, root canals, biopsies, medications, and 3-D skull printing, we found out their bones didn’t form right and only major surgery would fix it.

Maisy was first as it was literally life-saving for her. She now opens her mouth 5x’s wider. Her muscles haven’t been used so they’re stretching more daily. After seeing her experience, Finley decided to wait before making surgical decisions. If she ever holds a ball, he’s in. We are grateful we’ve been able to change their lives and love them more every day!

Finley & Maisy Speak – 

Our world changed when our pawrents read an email saying we were extra special and needed a special home. We knew this was our opportunity to shine so we turned on the charm until they loaded us in the car and drove us to our fur-ever home. We’ve met pawsome doctors and had some ruff surgeries, but we’re resilient!

Our lives started very dif-fur-ently than they are now. We spend our days surrounded by toys, snackles, blankets, a pool, and paws-itively crazy amounts of pets, snuggles, and kisses. We know we have it the goodest of any doggos!