Rescue a Golden of Arizona

November: Meet Kelsi

Home » November: Meet Kelsi
Nov Kelsie

Kelsi’s journey is one of determination and resilience.  From her days as a breeder dog, confined to the four walls of a barn, to her arrival in Arizona, where a world of new experiences awaited her, unfamiliar sights and sounds of the outside world overwhelmed her with fear. Converting her unique lifestyle created a challenge requiring the assistance of a professional trainer. We became the trainees.

Kelsi immediately sought the companionship of her new Golden sister, Sophie, and followed her everywhere.  Sophie became her leader and inseparable buddy. The only way to get Kelsi to leave the confines of the house was for Sophie to lead her out the door, into the car, vet or groomer. She taught Kelsi how to use the doggy door, which she frequently uses enjoying her newfound freedom, how to play, and how to answer the front door.  They sleep cuddled together.

Kelsi spent many hours at the front screen door, observing neighborhood activities from a safe distance until familiarity made her brave enough to go for walks.  She became the official greeter for package deliveries.

A year later, with consistent efforts and patience, Kelsi overcame most of her fears. She still gets startled by sudden loud noises or movements, but quickly recovers. With soulful eyes but a happy disposition, this gentle, big-footed, five-foot-long lap dog, welcomes attention from everyone and is a true blessing in our pack.  We are grateful RAGofAZ gave this special girl a second chance at a Golden life.