Rescue a Golden of Arizona

Cover Dog Teddy

Home » Cover Dog Teddy

Introducing our 2025 Calendar Cover Boy


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Teddy’s story is one of humble beginnings. His mom was found on the streets and was expecting a huge litter. Teddy is one of ten puppies from that litter.  Rescue a Golden posted the puppies and when I saw Teddy that was it! Love at first sight! I had recently lost my only pet (an English Lab) after nearly 13 years together. My family was reeling from the pain and when I saw Teddy I felt hope.

Teddy has brought much love, laughter, and joy to our home. He is very well-behaved except when it comes to socks or perching on furniture. He sneaks socks any way he can and likes to perch up on the coffee table like a cat. He enjoys hanging out with the family and likes to sit right on us so we can’t move. He tries to sneak up on any bed he can in the middle of the night. Teddy is definitely an affectionate dog and humorous as well.  He loves to chase his long, bushy tail until he becomes dizzy and falls down.

Teddy Bear “Teddy” is a character and we love him dearly. Thank you to the RAG of AZ volunteers who cared for him and bottle fed him for weeks. Teddy is a forever member of our family.