Rescue a Golden of Arizona

Adopted February 1, 2022


Please help RAGofAZ rescue more dogs like us!

Six year old Lucy came from Mexico–delivered to me on Christmas Eve day. The best Christmas gift ever!!! She was with an American family down there who had to move and couldn’t take her. Everyone knew how heartbroken I was about the death of Sedona November 8th and Bella November 28th. Anne Marie Hoff, RAGofAZ Animal Communicator, said Sedona arranged it– she wanted to come back to me. Lucy is Sedona Personified. She is smaller–ten pounds less–but has the same personality and habits. She is in training to become a Registered Therapy Dog as was Sedona. She, too, will visit long term care homes. She is sweet, loving and her joy in life is to be petted. She also loves to run and catch her Frisbee. She greets all visitors at the door with a toy. Lucy will be on the front of the 2023 RAG calendar–she got the most votes. AND she won first prize for Best Looking Dog at WoofStock in Prescott Valley this year, a trophy and gift certificate from one of the local pet stores. My everlasting joyful thanks to RAG who gave her to me.