Rescue a Golden of Arizona

March: Meet Luke

Home » March: Meet Luke
March Luke

I adopted Luke 13 years ago from Rescue A Golden of AZ, at a time in my life when I needed a companion. I wanted a female Golden but the wait was so long. They brought me Luke and told me I had several days to see how we interacted and if it was a good fit for both of us. I called them back in less than two hours to say I am keeping him. It’s the best decision I have ever made.

Luke feels and cares for his daddy. I had medical issues and wasn’t in a good head space. We always had Goldens growing up, but Luke is my first dog. He saved me as much as I saved him. He truly is my best friend and the best dog in every possible way. We have moved states, driven cross country, had heartbreak, lived through a hurricane and even flew private once!

Luke is a celebrity to my friends and co-workers. He is a gift from god. My house is owned by Luke and I just live here and that’s the way it should be if you own a Golden.

Thanks to RAG of AZ for bringing this wonderful boy into my life!