Rescue a Golden of Arizona

July: Meet Molly

Home » July: Meet Molly
July Molly

Molly came to us as one of the China 15 in February, 2022.  She was a farm animal and we quickly discovered that she was mostly blind.  It was probably not very apparent when she was running around in the compound in China with her pack but she did not seem to see well in the house.  So RAG sent us to Eyeshine Veterinary in Phoenix, where Dr. Zoe Reed quickly determined that she had dense cataracts in both eyes. 

Surgery was possible but before that could even be considered she had to determine if Molly’s retinas were still good.  This required a specialized ultrasound test and waiting for results, but it was well worth it.  The results showed that her retinas were still good and double cataract surgery was completed to remove her cataracts and now she can see again.

Within a week I was sending in videos of her running through the house with her brother “Max.”   No longer following, Molly was now leading!  The transformation from when I got her to now is amazing.  I can’t thank RAG of AZ, Dr. Reed and Dr. Ferguson at Four Legged Friends enough for this amazing transformation.  It’s really neat to see how much she appreciates the love.