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Keep those Cutest Golden Contest votes coming!

Keep those Cutest Golden Contest votes coming!
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Cutest Golden Contest
Birdie cute golden retriever
Kiwi cute golden retriever
June cute golden retriever

Above and below, check out some more adorable entrants in the
Cutest Golden Contest!

Keep those votes coming!

Remember, this year, the following dogs are eligible to win a calendar page:

• Any Golden rescued through RAGofAZ.
• Any Golden owned by a current RAGofAZ member, whether rescued or not (but only a RAGofAZ-rescued dog can win the cover).

Goldens that place in the top ten but don’t meet the above requirements to win a page will win a $50 PetsMart gift certificate (and of course, bragging rights!)

Please make sure you've read all the FAQs here.

Which of all the adorable Golden contestants is going to win the coveted spot on the cover? It’s up to you! Remember to share this with your friends and family so they can all vote to choose the cutest Goldens! You can use the "Forward to a friend" link at the top of this email.

Can't decide because they're all so cute? Consider the pups with the fewest votes...give them a boost!


Vote often!! 

vote now

Please note: If you don't see your votes appear in the tally sheet immediately, don't worry! Votes are updated manually as often as possible. Checks and balances are in place to ensure that every vote is counted. 
Maysie cute golden retriever
Winston cute golden retriever
 Jessie cute golden retriever   |   Contact us   |   Follow us : facebook instagram tiktok icon
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P.O. Box 71987 | Phoenix, AZ 85050 | (602) 404-WOOF (9663)